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Southeastern Louisiana University

Snoezelen Sensorium


Southeastern’s College of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning has an outstanding program titled Snoezelen Sensorium that prepares students for careers serving special needs children, particularly those with autism. Animal therapy has proved an effective tool for individuals with special needs. Eve and other animals are periodically invited to events to showcase the advantages of animal therapy. We at CCC are particularly amazed to see autistic children who

rarely express emotion actually smile and extend their arms and hands to interact with Eve. Candidly, witnessing these remarkable visits is emotionally charged but the most gratifying experiences for the children’s parents as well as CCC volunteers.


CCC has worked with Southeastern 2015, 2016, and 2017 for Camp Sensation, a day camp for children with sensory disabilities, and we hope to continue working with Camp Sensation for many years to come.  

Snoezelen Sensorium Website:
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"It's Not About the Dogs"

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